An overhead view of the granite quarry in Vermont

Partnering for Vermont Small Business Support, Evolution and

We define partnerships broadly and collaborate with a vast range of businesses, organizations, non-profits, funders and individuals. From our borrowers to the people behind major federal funding streams, all of our partners share our fundamental belief in opportunity.

Financial Services Colleagues

Borrower referrals from colleagues working in banks, credit unions, regional development corporations, agricultural enterprise credit companies and downtown vibrancy organizations are crucial to Community Capital’s success.

Entrepreneurs, Inquirers and Borrowers

People with dreams to start, build and expand businesses are the reason we exist. We enter into a true partnership with our borrowers, working with them before, during, and after the loan process.

Funders and Donors

Funders and donors sustain Community Capital as we help small businesses and lower-income entrepreneurs prosper through flexible business financing. Funding can take many forms, and if you are interested in discussing opportunities to support Community Capital, please contact Executive Director Rich Grogan

Economic Development Organizations

  • Community Capital is an essential partner for federal and state organizations that
    provide business and economic development and technical assistance funds.
  • We work with Vermont towns to help manage their revolving loan funds (self-replenishing pools of money where the interest and principal payments from existing loans are used to create capital for new loans).

Nonprofit Organizations

  • We partner with multiple nonprofits in Vermont that provide assistance that complements Community Capital’s business services.
  • We collaborate with local and regional economic development organizations to offer small business outreach and training.

Foundations, Philanthropists and Individuals

  • We receive funding from foundations whose interests are aligned with economic development, healthy communities, and entrepreneurship.
  • Supporters also include philanthropists who seek to invest in small businesses, equity and low-income entrepreneurs.
Dave Kaczynski of Khaos Designs in Hardwick stands in front of a farmers market display of his handmade jewelry

A Success Story: Dave Kaczynski, Khaos Designs, Hardwick

Dave’s appreciation of the natural world’s scenic beauty, inspiration from classic and contemporary art and architecture, and background in ornamental iron work are forged together in Khaos Designs. Dave’s jewelry creations are hand-wrought, making each piece unique from its inception. In the past eight years, Dave has been juried into dozens of fine craft shows throughout the region. His jewelry can be found at farmers’ markets, shows and galleries through Vermont and New England. Community Capital helped Dave purchase materials, relaunch his website, and build business infrastructure so that he could continue the work that he loves.